The second account of creation is amazing, as God gets His hands dirty forming Adam and then also the animals from the ground. It just becomes so real as we discover things that were not good. The intimacy of God "kissing" Adam into life - breathing or inspiring him to come alive just like Jesus did as he breathed on the disciples and as God is doing for all mankind, today and every day. What a beautiful summary of the account of creation. Join us on this journey as we see a very intimate picture of our Creator God.
The intimate, imminent Creator Genesis 2:4-25. God is immanent.
Chapter 1 shows that God created by fiat, ex-nihilo or out of nothing. The creation in chapter 1 is not a relational event but an objective one. The emphasis is on the objects of creation. These objects are pronounced good six times.
Chapter 2 shows the relational component of the creation. God is now not commanding but actively creating with his own hands. He formed man from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (7). This is an intimate action. It is literal in-spiration. Adam was inspired by God.
The creation order in chapter 2 is: man, vegetation, land-animals (4b-20). Differs from chapter 1.
No wild plants or grains because there was no rain yet (5). This is written against the middle eastern aridness that Moses was familiar with. This is why a garden (paradise or bride in SS) was needed (8). It was placed in Eden (8).
This garden was full of trees to make man happy with their beautiful and delicious fruits and seeds. Two trees are mentioned by name. the Tree of Life and The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Tree of Life rejuvenated life to eternity (3:22). This meant that man was mortal. The counterpart to this tree is the Cross on Calvary where rejuvenation to eternity is again possible.
The Good and Evil Tree was about knowledge (Hb dah-ath which is from yada). Yada is used in 4:1 to indicate sexual intimacy. This knowledge tree was about experience as much as it was about information. I have information about PTSD but I have never experienced PTSD. This is confirmed by the experience of fear, shame and guilt after Adam and Eve ate from this tree (3:7- 10).
The river from the area of Eden watered the garden and then split into four streams to water the earth. The implication is that this garden was to bless the whole earth. It is part of the “management” Adam and Eve are responsible for. The names are taken from Moses day.
Adam is warned or commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as the consequence is death (2:15). Some warnings and commands do not produce rebellion. Telling me not to eat sandwiches with arsenic in them makes me cautious not rebellious. Adam did not die physically immediately. He did die immediately emotionally and spiritually. He immediately blamed others (emotional death) and he hid from God (spiritual death).
For the first time we have a negative statement, “It is not good for man to be alone” (2:18). God forms the animals from the ground (immanence of God) and has Adam name them to discover their natures and to discover that he has no companion (19-20).
2:25 Adam encompasses male and female up to this point. God now takes part of Adam and makes Eve. Human foetuses all start out female (nipples on male chest) and then develop into a male if there is an XY chromosome. This is the opposite to the creation order which was Adam first and Eve next. Sexual intimacy is meant to recombine that which was separated into Adam and Eve.
2:21 The word “rib” is a misnomer as the Hebrew word tsela is associated with side 35 times as compared with twice for rib or ribs.
the word we translate “rib” is found about 40 times in the Hebrew Bible, but in no other passage is it an anatomical term. In 2 Samuel 16:13 it refers to the other side of the hill. It refers to planks and beams in the tabernacle, or something that has two sides: rings along two sides of the ark; rooms on two sides of the temple, the north or south side (as in Exodus 25-38; 1 Kings 6-7; Ezekiel 41). https://www.union